Some background first. I am currently learning some stuff about monadic parser combinators. While I tried to transfer the 'chainl1' function from this paper (p. 16-17), I came up with this solution:
let chainl1 p op = parser {
let! x = p
let rec chainl1' (acc : 'a) : Parser<'a> =
let p' = parser {
let! f = op
let! y = p
return! chainl1' (f acc y)
p' <|> succeed acc
return! chainl1' x
I tested the function with some large input and got a StackOverflowException. Now I am wondering, is it posible to rewrite a recursive function, that uses some computation expression, in a way so it is using tail recursion?
When I expand the computation expression, I can not see how it would be generally possible.
let chainl1 p op =
let b = parser
b.Bind(p, (fun x ->
let rec chainl1' (acc : 'a) : Parser<'a> =
let p' =
let b = parser
b.Bind(op, (fun f ->
b.Bind(p, (fun y ->
b.ReturnFrom(chainl1' (f acc y))))))
p' <|> succeed acc
b.ReturnFrom(chainl1' x)))