I'm attempting to parse a JSON feed using the LastFM API but there are certain elements returned in the JSON array that are prefixed with a # that I don't know how to reference.
The feed URL is here and it can be seen visualised here.
My jQuery code so far looks like this:
$.getJSON('http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?method=geo.getevents&api_key=ca1599876cde298491941da8577de666&format=json&callback=?', function(data) {
$.each(data.events.event, function(i, item) {
html += "<li><a class='fm-event' href='" + item.url + "'><h4>" + item.title + "</h4>";
html += "<p>at " + item.venue.name + ", " + item.venue.location.city + "<br />";
html += "on " + item.startDate + "</p>";
html += "<img src='" + item.venue.image.text + "' />"; // This doesn't work. how do I do this?
html += "</a></li>";
I'm basically looping through each item in the feed and dynamically building a list which is then appended to the DOM.
What I can't figure out is how to get at the URLs for the image items in the feed. There are different ones for different sizes. The JSON for the image elements looks like this:
"image": [
"#text": "http:\/\/userserve-ak.last.fm\/serve\/34\/2243904.gif",
"size": "small"
"#text": "http:\/\/userserve-ak.last.fm\/serve\/64\/2243904.gif",
"size": "medium"
"#text": "http:\/\/userserve-ak.last.fm\/serve\/126\/2243904.gif",
"size": "large"
"#text": "http:\/\/userserve-ak.last.fm\/serve\/252\/2243904.gif",
"size": "extralarge"
"#text": "http:\/\/userserve-ak.last.fm\/serve\/_\/2243904\/A38.gif",
"size": "mega"
But I don't understand why the text element in the array is prefixed with a # and how to get the URL for an image of a particular size. Any help appreciated as I'm a jQuery beginner! Thanks.