Hello, I am trying to display every odd instance of a table row, however there is another table intervening.
The (simplified) structure is:
<div class="question03">
<table class="trendgraph">
<tr class="q3_pageheader">....</tr>
<table class="datatable">
<table class="trendgraph">...</table>
<table class="datatable">...</table>
For this question, I am calling a 'table set' the set of one table.trendgraph table and one table.datatable:
<!-- this is a set -->
<table class="trendgraph">...</table>
<table class="datatable">...</table>
Two of these sets will fit on a single page. The entire section consists only of the enclosing <div> plus 1 to 6 sets.
The output is actually paged media: pdf via PrinceXML, thus, cross-browser compatibility isn't needed.
The challenge is: I want to show tr.q3_pageheader in the table.trendgraph table only once per page, the first time it appears. This row will occur twice per page.
My css first turns these rows off:
div.question03 > table.trendgraph > thead > tr.q3_pageheader {
display: none;
Then I have been trying various things to turn the desired row back on:
div.question03 > table.trendgraph:nth-child(odd) > thead > tr.q3_pageheader {
display: table-row;
I can get the first tr.q3_pageheader (only) to display by setting nth-child(1). Curiously, none of the tr.q3_pageheader rows display with nth-child(2) or nth-child(even). All of the tr.q3_pageheader rows display with nth-child(odd).
Note that when I remove table.datatable from the html, then all the nth-child settings work as expected.
I could obviously do work arounds here, such as setting a div around a 'page', or setting a class for the first instance of tr.q3_pageheader. This will be part of a system that will output various numbers of 'table sets'. If possible I would like to solve the issue in html or css only without requiring extra decision making in the backend.
Any help or pointers would be appreciated. Thanks!