What if you have a CSS template that's really nice, and you want to use it with a wordpress theme, but don't want to edit all the theme files to use the rules in the CSS template? Is there a way to create a CSS file that acts as a proxy between the new CSS template and old WP theme?
Good question! I'm afraid I think there is no native way. There would have to be a syntax like
propertyname: inherit-from(.classname); // Fictitious example! Does not work
which doesn't exist in CSS proper.
It could probably be done, though, using a CSS pre-compiler like LeSS. LeSS's "Mixins" function looks like it might do exactly what you need. From their front page:
.rounded_corners (@radius: 5px) {
-moz-border-radius: @radius;
-webkit-border-radius: @radius;
border-radius: @radius;
#header {
where rounded_corners
would be your original class definition, and #header
the WordPress equivalent.
2010-06-29 17:33:50
Child themes! - themeshaper.com/functions-php-wordpress-child-themes
2010-06-29 17:58:31
Seriously. If you have the stylesheet and basic layout already in html/css, you should just be using a child theme. It's way easier, is natively supported by WordPress, and doesn't involve spurious hacks and work-arounds.
John P Bloch
2010-06-29 18:25:41