Imagine I have a directory structure like so:
I want to select only the directories that a) are immediate children of parentDir, and b) have a foo directory as an immediate child.
So dirs A, B, and E qualify, whilst C, D, and F don't.
I first tried this powershell script:
$rootDir = gi(".")
dir -include "*foo*" -recurse | ? {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $true} | % {$_.Parent}
| ? { $_.Parent -eq $rootDir }
It finds all foo items below the root dir, filters out non-directories, goes up one to the intermediate directories, then filters out any directory which is not a child of the root dir.
This returns an empty list.
However if I change the last where clause as follows:
? { $_.Parent.FullName -eq $rootDir.Fullname }
It works, and I get the correct directories output.
So my question is, why won't a direct compare between directory objects work? It may seem like a little thing but it implies there's some hole in my understanding of powershell objects.
(Also, feel free to critique my powershell coding style in the scripts, or point out quicker/more correct ways of doing this)