I have the following query which works great. I have 2 questions....
1) Can I remove the inner join to order
on the sub query and tie it back into the main query?
2) I need to factor in returns into all of the values generated. Price per item is ONLY stored in order_product
. My table structure is as follows...
id | account_id | price | tax | shipping_price
order_id | product_id | vehicle_id | quantity | price
I need the system to support multiple RMAs per order...
id | status_id | order_id | account_id | timestamp
return_id | reason_id | product_id | vehicle_id | note | quantity
This query generates sales statistics and I need it to not factor in items which have been returned....
SUM(price+shipping_price) AS total_sales,
COUNT(id) AS total_orders,
AVG(price+shipping_price) AS order_total_average,
FROM `order_product`
INNER JOIN `order` ON (
`order`.id = order_product.order_id AND
`order`.created >= '.$startTimestamp.' AND
`order`.created <= '.$endTimestamp.' AND
`order`.type_id = '.$type->getId().' AND
`order`.fraud = 0
) AS total_units,
SUM(price+shipping_price)/'.$dateDifference['total']['days'].' AS daily_average
FROM `order`
WHERE created >= '.$startTimestamp.' AND
created <= '.$endTimestamp.' AND
fraud = 0 AND
type_id = '.$type->getId().'