You are complicating things: this should be a 2-n not n-m relationship.
Get rid of teams_games
table and make 2 fields to games table, ex: home_tid
and away_tid
EDIT: and the query would be then something similar:
select t.tid,,
sum(g.home_score < g.away_score xor t.tid = g.home_tid) wins,
sum(g.home_score > g.away_score xor t.tid = g.home_tid) losses,
sum(g.home_score = g.away_score) draws
from games g
join teams t on t.tid = g.home_tid or t.tid = g.away_tid
group by t.tid
so the answer is to use sum, otherwise it counts both true and false values in output which is total rows resulting from joins.
select t.tid,,
sum(g.home_score < g.away_score xor tg.homeoraway) wins,
sum(g.home_score > g.away_score xor tg.homeoraway) losses,
sum(g.home_score = g.away_score) draws
from games g
join team_games tg on tg.gid = g.gid
join teams t on t.tid = tg.tid
group by t.tid
Imre L
2010-06-29 20:35:11