I am maintaining an ASP.NET site, and I was attempting to get the dialogs looking better using jQuery. The web application has a C# class called MessageBox which allows messages to be shown to the client from the server side.... essentially in the C# on an aspx codebehind if some logic 'does not compute', you can just MessageBox.Show('your error message');
Since the MessageBox class appeared to just 'inject' javascript...the "alert(your message)" I tried changing the javascript to a jquery dialog call:
html: the standard jQuery example dialog... (cut off the tags on purpose...just to get the code example to show up... there is probably a real way to do this on here... but this is my first post...)
div id="dialog" title="Example dialog"> p>Some text that you want to display to the user./p> /div>
jQuery: I commented out the Alert, and substituted: sb.Append("$('dialog').dialog('open');");
while( iMsgCount-- > 0 ) { sMsg = (string) queue.Dequeue(); sMsg = sMsg.Replace( "\n", "\\n" ); sMsg = sMsg.Replace( "\"", "'" ); //sb.Append( @"alert( """ + sMsg + @""" );" ); **** sb.Append("$('dialog').dialog('open');"); **** }
I was expecting this to open the dialog set up in html, however nothing shows. I figured javascript is javascript... and that executing instead a jQuery call versus manual Alert wouldn't matter... however clearly there is a disconnect.
Any thoughts on how to solve this problem? Or any better implementations out there I am not aware of?
Thanks, for any and all help... I've include the full MessageBox class below.
public class MessageBox { private static Hashtable m_executingPages = new Hashtable(); private MessageBox(){} public static void Show( string sMessage ) { if( !m_executingPages.Contains( HttpContext.Current.Handler ) ) { Page executingPage = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page; if( executingPage != null ) { Queue messageQueue = new Queue(); messageQueue.Enqueue( sMessage ); m_executingPages.Add( HttpContext.Current.Handler, messageQueue ); executingPage.Unload += new EventHandler( ExecutingPage_Unload ); } } else { Queue queue = (Queue) m_executingPages[ HttpContext.Current.Handler ]; queue.Enqueue( sMessage ); } } private static void ExecutingPage_Unload(object sender, EventArgs e) { Queue queue = (Queue) m_executingPages[ HttpContext.Current.Handler ]; if( queue != null ) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int iMsgCount = queue.Count; sb.Append( "" ); string sMsg; while( iMsgCount-- > 0 ) { sMsg = (string) queue.Dequeue(); sMsg = sMsg.Replace( "\n", "\\n" ); sMsg = sMsg.Replace( "\"", "'" ); sb.Append( @"alert( """ + sMsg + @""" );" ); } sb.Append( @"" ); m_executingPages.Remove( HttpContext.Current.Handler ); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write( sb.ToString() ); } } }