



Hi All, I'm getting an error when selecting from a rows.AsEnumerable(). I am using the following code...

var rows = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable();
                trafficData = rows.Select(row => new tdDataDC
                    CalculationCount = row.Field<Int64>("biCalculationCountSeqID")
                    , Zone = row.Field<Int16>("siFkZoneId")
                    , Miles = row.Field<decimal>("dcMiles")
                    , Plaza = row.Field<Int16>("siFkPlazaId")
                    , VehicleCount = row.Field<int>("iVehicleCount")


Most of the time it works well, but when there are NULLS in the database I'm getting this error "Cannot cast DBNull.Value to type 'System.Int16'. Please use a nullable type.." How can I correct this? I don't want my datacontracts to have Nullable types, I'd like to use a ternary or something, and if a value is NULL, just use 0. Is this possible?

Thanks for any help,

+1  A: 

Here is how you test for nulls...

Plaza = row.IsNull("siFkPlazaId") ? 0 : row.Field<int>("siFkPlazaId")
Tom Brothers
+4  A: 

You could always add another extension method (untested):

   public static T FieldOrDefault<T>(this DataRow row, string columnName)
       return row.IsNull(columnName) ? default(T) : row.Field<T>(columnName);   

Then your callsite looks like:

var rows = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable();
                trafficData = rows.Select(row => new tdDataDC
                    CalculationCount = row.FieldOrDefault<Int64>("biCalculationCountSeqID")
                    , Zone = row.FieldOrDefault<Int16>("siFkZoneId")
                    , Miles = row.FieldOrDefault<decimal>("dcMiles")
                    , Plaza = row.FieldOrDefault<Int16>("siFkPlazaId")
                    , VehicleCount = row.FieldOrDefault<int>("iVehicleCount")

I like Marc's answer, but just to get another way of doing it, you could change the value types to be nullable (short? long? etc) and then coalesce, so something like row.Field<short?>("foo") ?? 0
James Manning
BTW, rather than doing 2 row calls, if T is always a value type, you could do row.Field<Nullable<T>>(columnName) ?? default(T) although I doubt it's worth the hassle if you also use reference types :)
James Manning