When I've had to do that stuff in the past, I've simply added an extra pre-compilation step to the build process which automagically creates one file from another.
Since you're constants will probably be within a class in C#, you can use that as the source file:
class MyClass {
public const int NUM_MONTHS = 12; //COMMON
public const int YEAR_BASE = 1900; //COMMON
grep '//COMMON' MyClass.cs
| sed -e 's/^ *public const [a-z][a-z]*/#define/'
-e 's/ *= */ /'
-e 's/;.*$//'
grep '//COMMON' MyClass.cs | sed -e 's/ *public //' -e 's/;.*$/;/' >MyClass.hpp
This will give you:
#define NUM_MONTHS 12
#define YEAR_BASE 1900
const int NUM_MONTHS = 12;
const int YEAR_BASE = 1900;
Now, getting Visual Studio to perform that step is not something I know how to do. You'll have to investigate whether or not it's even possible. The UNIXy test processing tools are really worth downloading. I have CygWin installed on a few boxes but, for something this localised, you could get away with individual GnuWin32 packages.
You could probably do a similar job in PowerShell but I'm not au fait with that.
Now that's a bit of a kludge so may I suggest a possibly better way for you particular question. Don't use a constant at all. Put the address into a configuration file and have your C# and C++ code read it at startup.
That way, you get to share the value painlessly and it's configurable in case you ever want to change it in future.