



I am trying to make a simple module for phpBMS.

It is mostly straightforward, and it is quite easy to make a form and define a table to add, remove or modify records.

Here is the sample provided by the project, which is what I have been following so far.

Now, I have a more complex need than simplifying adding or modifying records.

I want to make a page that allows to choose a field from an existing table, and to auto populate fields from the current table with that information.

I also want to display a total, based on a calculation which would be the result of an SQL query.

My problem is in allowing the input in the existing table to be selected, and to have other fields be updated accordingly.

Here are the field definitions for use in phpBMS, which describe the fields defined by use with phpBMS for making a form with phpBMS.

The inputSmartSearch field seems perfect for what I need, at least as far as allowing a record to be selected. I could look at autopopulating other fields after I get that working.

My immediate problem is that I simply cannot get the inputSmartSearch input field to show. Worse, by adding it I simply get a white screen of death, with no errors.

I have define:

ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);

and other errors show up fine. The apache error log shows no errors, and I can´t find a way to troubleshoot what it may be.

When I add the following to my page:

$theinput = new inputSmartSearch($db, "id", "Pick Client", $therecord["id"], "client", true, 68, 255, false);

It results in the WSOD. It does not seem to be incorrect in any way, and even matches the way inputSmartSearch is used in other modules that ship with phpBMS.

Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong, or point me in the right direction?