



When building websites I commonly use tools such as to ensure that my pages looks reasonably OK in the different browsers. I am however starting to get complaints about a heap of mobile browsers running on different portable devices.

My question is simply how do one best carry out mobile cross-browser tests ? (answers that does not require me to install a ton of different mobile emulators will be preferred).

+2  A: 

DeviceAnywhere can do this, but not for free.

It does indeed provide access to a heap of mobile phones, and from there one can use their browser. But I would prefer some service where I can just post a URL and get immediate pictures back of how it looks in various mobile browsers.
Lars Tackmann
@Lars: “pictures […] of how it looks in various mobile browsers” are not very useful; especially the way a mobile browser app ‘feels’ (e.g. touchscreen, scrolling, zooming) differs from desktop browsers and from mobile browsers mutually.
Marcel Korpel
You do have a point with the pictures, but the DeviceAnywhere solution still seams overly complicated in comparison with services like So I am still pursuing a solution where I can just post a url and get at least some (imperfect) idea on how my site looks on the most common mobile devices.
Lars Tackmann
DeviceAnywhere definitely does more than you need it to, but it should be possible to write an automation script that works like browsershots.
A: will provide you with several good advices, but won't provide any mobile devices' screenshots...

I'm afraid Felipe's right, the only way to know how your website interacts is to do it yourself.
