



I'm having a problem with a POST I'm doing using the HttpWebRequest object from C#. In order to analyze the problem I would like to know exactly what is being sent over the wire. The problem is that I'm also using HTTPS so I can't sniff the wire. I need some way of printing out to the Console all the relevant information of the HttpWebRequest object or something like that. Thank you for your help.

+4  A: 

You can use Fiddler to debug HTTPS traffic.

Michael Kniskern
looks interesting
Andrew Bullock
Fiddler solved my problem - thanks a lot!
Alfred B. Thordarson

Could you set a breakpoint in the code and look at the Request object in the debugger and look through the ServerVariables collections to see what it has? Alternatively, you could do a Response.Write looping over each element in the Request.ServerVariables and see the name/value pairs that are stored in a web page if you want that.

JB King