



Looking for resources as much as anything. I have a nice, simple Silverlight-based Bing Maps application that puts pins into the map. Now I have a lot of pins, I'd like to instead create heat maps on-the-fly. I'm trying to look for resources that explain how to go about this, but can't find anything.

So, any ideas?

+2  A: 

You probably won't have much to do.

A quick way to generate the heat map would be to reskin the pushpin as a circle filled with a background with a transparency gradient, fully transparent on the edge and medium transparency at the other. As the circles stacks up, the color will be more intense.


And replacing the <m:Pushpin ... /> by

<Ellipse Width="40" Height="40" m:MapLayer.Position="48.8,2.1" m:MapLayer.PositionOrigin="Center">
      <GradientStop Color="#7FFF0000" Offset="0"/>
      <GradientStop Offset="1"/>
Johan Buret
Why on Earth didn't I think of that? Sometimes I can be amazingly thick. Though I'll keep an eye out for code, I'm still new to the XAML/Silverlight/WPF game. >_<
David Archer
This is a good idea. It would work for simple solutions. However, if you have a TON of data, then you'll still need to generate images somehow to show using a TileSource control.
Chris Pietschmann