I have a collection of bools associated to days of the week - Collection() { true, false, false, false, false, false,false}; So whatever the bool represents means that this collection applies for sunday (sunday being the first day of week here).
Now I have set the itemssource of my listbox, say, to be this collection.
<ListBox ItemsSource={Binding Path=Collection, Mode=TwoWay}>
<ToggleButton IsChecked={Binding Path=BoolValue, Mode=TwoWay}/>
However my Collection never gets updated (my collection is a dependencyproperty on the window). Plus "MyBool" class is simply just a wrapper around a bool object, with NotifyPropertyChanged implemented.
Any ideas.....my actual code is majorly complex so the above situation is a brutally simplified version, so make assumptions etc if necessary Ill work around this given that I have provided my actual code.
Thanks greatly in advance,