I'm trying to implement something similar to this or this.
I've created a user control, a web service and a web method to return the rendered html of the control, executing the ajax calls via jQuery.
All works fine, but if I put something in the user control that uses a relative path (in my case an HyperLink with NavigateUrl="~/mypage.aspx") the resolution of relative path fails in my developing server.
I'm expecting: http://localhost:999/MyApp/mypage.aspx
But I get: http://localhost:999/mypage.aspx
Missing 'MyApp'...
I think the problem is on the creation of the Page used to load the control:
Page page = new Page();
Control control = page.LoadControl(userControlVirtualPath);
But I can't figure out why....
EDIT Just for clarity
My user control is located at ~/ascx/mycontrol.ascx
and contains a really simple structure: by now just an hyperlink with NavigateUrl like "~/mypage.aspx"
And "mypage.aspx" really resides on the root.
Then I've made up a web service to return to ajax the partial rendered control:
[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class wsAsynch : System.Web.Services.WebService
[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public string GetControl(int parma1, int param2)
/* ...do some stuff with params... */
Page pageHolder = new Page();
UserControl viewControl = (UserControl)pageHolder.LoadControl("~/ascx/mycontrol.ascx");
Type viewControlType = viewControl.GetType();
/* ...set control properties with reflection... */
StringWriter output = new StringWriter();
HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute(pageHolder, output, false);
return output.ToString();
The html is correctly rendered, but the relative path in the NavigateUrl of hyperlink is incorrectly resolved, because when I execute the project from developing server of VS2008, the root of my application is
and it's fine, but the NavigateUrl is resolved as
losing /MyApp/ . Of Course if I put my ascx in a real page, instead of the pageHolder instance used in the ws, all works fine.
Another strange thing is that if I set the hl.NavigateUrl = Page.ResolveUrl("~/mypage.aspx")
I get the correct url of the page:
And by now I'll do that, but I would understand WHY it doesn't work in the normal way. Any idea?