



We have mvc application in which we have avoided using addons but now i would like to see which can really add value and use them, please suggest which addons are winning the race in each area


  • ninject
  • structuredmap

View Engine

  • Spark


Above are some that i tried little bit as we have some requirements which can be made easy with this.

Please suggest any addons which has made your life easier in mvc.

+1  A: 

Microsoft has an IOC/DI library called Unity.

For dead simple error logging and error log browsing, I like Elmah

You've got to have an ORM for database applications, such as Linq to Sql or NHibernate

Quartz.NET is an "Enterprise Job Scheduler"

The Castle Project has a bunch of libraries and a complete framework that are worth checking out.


for me - T4MVC (or more specifiacally, T4 templates used against mvc v2). especially when used with subsonic. i've 'heavily' invested in customizing a whole raft of these with subsonic that literally 'builds' 90% of my plumbing and base functionality code. the fact that everything is standardised (and the fact that i can also build the tests in tandem) makes this one feature my - 'can't live without' - addon for mvc.

your mileage may vary...


I'd be interested in seeing some of these. Care to share?

I'm building a site now with MVC2, Ninject, NHibernate w/ FluentNHibernate (using Automapping), Spark and jQuery and it's probably the best/most fun experience I've had writing a web application.

But I think it will end up being your personal preference. Some people like SubSonic, some like NHibernate. I don't think you can go wrong.

dave thieben