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I know others will read your comments. Thanks for the MSDN web page I could not find it as MSDN library as it’s very large. Now if I go off the target or get side tracked please correct me.
In Delphi we have ‘project/import type library’ to import many things from scripts, ActiveX to nearly all MS products, MS has ever made for windows. Delphi 4 supports File/New to bring a dialog box up and the ActiveX tab contains ‘COM object Wizard’ for multiple objects. Effectively we have interfaces and objects in Delphi that create objects from MS type library’s. Personally I have never used it yet Delphi is rich in these methods. From the web pages you have given me MS says a pour connection arrives from importing a ‘.net type library’ into Delphi. What is suggested from MSDN as a more robust way in Delphi is to incorporate a DotNet.pas file to link to the .Net frame work as a com connection, as that has been on my heart all along. My idea has gone as far as rebuilding windows.pas from the ground up. Or is their better way yet to get a robust .net and lowers instruction count to access objects and methods.
I also found in Delphi:- IFormDesigner. And I have questions like who allocates memory to the .net object when it’s called. And how is a method connected to the object. I’m not sure were to start or end yet because none of this is documented on the internet to my knowledge to get me started. So it’s like diving into the dark to some extent.
At the same time getting hold of some of these sub objects like IUnknown, IDispatch, ISupportErrorInfo, IMarshal and reserved words like dispinterface is quite a learning curve too. Some of these sub objects are not documented in Delphi. I understand HRESULT is for error checking purposes and GetLastWin32Error is a carry on from com objects GetLastError. IntPtr is new to me that I guess is something like PChar in Delphi. Sometimes referring to Delphi’s automated objects is a little complex to look at in the way I need to think. But when you are learning you dart all over the place with pour direction. I mite need to use them and I question of safe ways to test a new object with out crashing the Delphi editor all the time with little error support in Delphi.