Ok this is rather frustrating, I;ve installed the latest version of SharpDevelop, and also installed the F# compiler (as per the link from SharpDevelops website)
I am running in Vista.
thus far, everything has been working fine.
But for some reason it simply refuses to compile when I try to use List.fold_left, however List.fold seems to work,
here is the error:
The value, constructor, namespace or type 'fold_left' is not defined (FS0039)
here is the code:
open System
let nums = [1..10]
let ans = List.fold_left (+) 0 nums
Console.WriteLine("answer: {0}", ans)
// Just to make it pause
let pause = Console.ReadLine()
the further issues is I'm trying to use the fold to square each item in the list eg:
1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 ...
I assumed that the Fold takes a function and a list, so I've tried as follows:
let sq x = x*x
let ans = List.fold (sq) 0 nums
but this gives me the following error both on the second line:
The type 'int -> int' does not match the type 'int' (FS0001) - The type ''a -> int' does not match the type 'int' (FS0001) -
Please can someone explain this?