+6  A: 

The whole approach to presenting web pages is markedly different. Do yourself a favour and get an MVC book!

My favourites are the Manning Press 'In Action' books, but here are some good links: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/240905/best-asp-net-mvc-book

(ASP.NET Webforms is good to learn too, but not if you want to get to MVC)

John Weldon
Thanks for the fast response. I'll definitely go with MVC books then.
Silence of 2012
Can only agree with John here. If your end result is ASP.NET MVC, definitely go for the MVC book. ASP.NET MVC is an alternative to WebForms, - and you won't learn alot of useful stuff in the WebForms book [beyond perhaps theory] that will immediately be useful for you.
I like the Manning book a lot, but I think the Apress book is *the* book for learning ASP.NET MVC. I'd recommend that one and follow it up with Manning's.
+2  A: 

I would advise skipping the webforms books. I can't say I'm an ASP.NET expert, but from what I've seen the models are completely different.

In particular, a webforms book is likely to include quite a lot of detail about control and page lifecycles, as well as lots of details about the controls themselves - none of which will be relevant in MVC.

There are only three benefits I can think of from reading a good ASP.NET book first:

  • It may cover ASP.NET web services, which may be interesting to you
  • It may give basics of HTTP and how ASP.NET fits into IIS, much of which will apply to MVC
  • An MVC book may draw comparisons between MVC and webforms - and those comparisons won't mean much if you don't know webforms

None of those benefits seem strong enough to justify buying a webforms book though, IMO (where the cost isn't the financial one, but the time involved in reading a book thoroughly).

Jon Skeet
Good points Jon and you are right those three benefits don't justify spending time reading the ASP.NET (Webforms) book. I could probably learn those things by searching Google.
Silence of 2012
+1  A: 

You don't really need to know ASP.NET much to get started with ASP.MVC, and you can skip reading a book on ASP.NET. However, because ASP.NET MVC is based on the same core ASP.NET technology as WebForms, you might at a later point of time, or when doing advanced stuff, dig into core ASP.NET. Another good idea might be to look into the source for how the MVC framework in implemented on top of the ASP.NET core.

+1  A: 

Possibly just read the introduction and first couple of chapters of the webforms book. Once it gets into DataGrids and other visual control type stuff you won't really need it.

+1  A: 

ASP.NET has more job offerings thats why I would start with that.

But that might be different in your region. Or you might not need the money...

Malcolm Frexner
Really? Which job board should I be looking at?
I only check german job boards. I don't see a lot ASP.NET MVC there. I hope my post doesn't sound to anti MVC. I still like it!
Malcolm Frexner