



Apologies if this has been asked before (I couldn't find the answer anywhere), but I have a WCF Service Application that I have created, and am trying to access via my Silverlight 4 app. I have added the service reference to the SilverLight App and am just trying to call one of the default pre existing methods on the service (GetData). When calling the method i get an error of:

An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI "my URI" This could be due to attempting to access a service in a cross-domain way without a proper cross-domain policy in place, or a policy file that is unsuitable for SOAP Services.

I'm aware I need a crossdomain.xml file, but it doesnt seem to matter where i place the crossdomain.xml file, i still get the error, this is the contents of the file:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
         <allow-from http-request-headers="SOAPAction"> 
          <domain uri="http://*"/&gt; 
          <domain uri="https://*" />  
           <resource include-subpaths="true" path="/"/>

Any ideas?

+1  A: 

It does matter where you place the policy file - it needs to be placed "at the root" of the web server that's running your service.

That's pretty well documented up at

My best advice on these issues is to run the Fiddler tool and trace the traffic and you should see Silverlight looking for a clientaccesspolicy.xml file (and also the crossdomain.xml file which is a different format) and that should make it easier to determine where Silverlight is looking for the file.


Thanks @Mike, I have installed fidler now and am have seen it looking for the clientaccesspolicy.xml in "localhost:8732", I have tried adding the file into "C:\inetpub\wwwroot" but am having no luck. Is that where i need to put the file? (sorry, i'm fairly new to web dev)
Thanks @Mike,Fiddler debugger is really great for web developers
+3  A: 
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ""&gt;
  <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="*"/>

Here is a very simple crossdomain.xml file. Compared to yours, it appears that you have written a clientaccesspolicy.xml file. Rename the file to clientaccesspolicy.xml and you should be fine.



Firstly, does this video help at all?

Secondly - the way I diagnose these is as follows;

1) I use Fiddler to make sure that I see Silverlight REQUEST a clientaccesspolicy.xml file and that it GETS the clientaccesspolicy.xml - i.e. check that your web server is returning clientaccesspolicy.xml and silverlight is not getting a "NotFound" status back to its request. You can see that in Fiddler. BTW - you don't mention whether you're using IIS or Cassini? IIRC "localhost" can present a few problems to fiddler so I usually use IIS and a proper machine name.

2) When I know that Silverlight is definitely getting a clientaccesspolicy.xml file what I then do is generally build the most relaxed version of the file I can think of. Something like;

and once I'm happy that this works I then refine the list of domains, paths, headers and methods down to what I actually need.

Hope that helps.

