



I'm creating a survey with 10 questions. All questions have 5 possible answers with values from 1-5. The data is stored in a database with one row per user. There is a column for the answer to every question.

Data table

To make bar graphs for the answers to every question, I currently retrieve the count of rows where the value of a specific column is equal to a specific possible answer:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS `records_found` FROM (`antworten`) WHERE `frage1` = 1
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `records_found` FROM (`antworten`) WHERE `frage1` = 2
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `records_found` FROM (`antworten`) WHERE `frage1` = 3
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `records_found` FROM (`antworten`) WHERE `frage1` = 4
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `records_found` FROM (`antworten`) WHERE `frage1` = 5
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `records_found` FROM (`antworten`) WHERE `frage2` = 1
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `records_found` FROM (`antworten`) WHERE `frage2` = 2
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `records_found` FROM (`antworten`) WHERE `frage2` = 3
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `records_found` FROM (`antworten`) WHERE `frage2` = 4
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `records_found` FROM (`antworten`) WHERE `frage2` = 5

This will generate a graph like this:

This is probably very stupid, and there is probably a much better way to retrieve the desired data. I just can't come up with it, could someone help me? :) Thank you.


For a single question you can use

select  frage1, count(*) as `records_found`
  from  antworten
group by frage1
order by frage1

or similar. There's probably a way to do all questions at once using cubes and pivots etc. but I don't know it.

I don't think you could do that directly (cubes/pivots/crosstabs) since the data is not normalized to start with (repeating groups).
+4  A: 


SELECT 1 As FrageNummer, frage1 As Frage, count(*) As Anzahl
FROM antworten
GROUP BY frage1
SELECT 2 As FrageNummer, frage2 As Frage, count(*) As Anzahl
FROM antworten
GROUP BY frage2

And so on.

It would of course be easier to query, if the 'fragen' were put into rows instead of columns, i.e. having data like this:

id | quartalid | frage_nr | frage
9  |         5 |        1 |     5
9  |         5 |        2 |     5
9  |         5 |        3 |     2


Then you could query simply like this

SELECT frage_nr, frage, count(*)
FROM antworten
GROUP BY frage_nr, frage
Yes I think it will have to go like this +1
This looks great! Is it also possible to set Anzahl = 0 for every possible answer that returns no result?
@danilo, that comes for free - count(*) of an empty set *is* equal to 0.
@Unreason: Yep, but the above query does not list them. But I just realized this is probably a limitation of the table design.
@danilo, yes I see what you mean now. What you could do is left join the results of the union queries with a query that will contain all possible combinations of questions and question values (this can be a temporary table) and turn the NULL values on missing rows into zeros.