



We work on a large client-server system, implemented using C++/MFC/DCOM. It's planned to roll this out to multiple locations (for years it has been a single location) and have ability for some data to replicate between systems, i.e have a central server which talks to each system and is informed of changes so it can pass them on.

Examples of use cases are that an object changes state in one system and other systems need to know, or a new object is created and should show up on other systems

Some movement from unmanaged C++ -> .net (mainly C#) is going on recently so I wondered if .net has good foundations on which to build something like this? I know of the existence of WCF but not much more, where might you suggest I look?

Technologies like .Net Remoting appear to sound good, but this is replaced with WCF which looks more generic i.e not as close to our needs. Things like NSTM exist but are they a better option than the .net framework itself?