



I'm trying to type int and press Ctrl Space to show int, Int16, Int32 ...

However it is not showing up, but when I press Ctrl J it works.

I've tried to press Ctrl Alt Space as suggested in some places, but nothing changed...

How can I restore it?

+2  A: 

You can re-assign the Key, or see what's currently assigned to that shortcut by doing the following:

  1. Click on Tools -> Options.
  2. Highlight Environment -> Keyboard.
  3. Go to the Press Shortcut Keys textbox, and type in: Ctrl + Space. It will show you what it's currently being used for.
  4. If it's not being used for anything, then select: Edit.CopmpleteWord (Ctrl+Space(TextEditor))

KeyboardShortcuts Visual Studio

You can also try to reset Visual Studio's dev settings:

  1. Close Visual Studio.
  2. Go to Start, Run.
  3. Type cmd. Press Enter. 4 Navigate to whatever Visual Studio version you're using (If it's Visual Studio 2008, it's: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0).
  4. Type devenv /resetsettings. Press Enter.

NB: Make sure to back up any UI changes you've made to your settings in Visual Studio. This will reset everything back to its factory setting.

It's a nuclear option, but it's worked for me when nothing else would.

George Stocker
I nuked but it won't work. How can I force it to be the same as Ctrl+J ?
@BrunoLM, I updated my answer to show you how to reassign that shortcut.
George Stocker