I'd like an up-to-date overview of numerical methods with working code written in any programming language (the higher level the better).
Numerical Recipes was good in this sense when it was first published in 1988 but their subsequent editions failed to bring it up to date. For example, the coverage of FFTs in NR's third edition (2007) still encourages direct padding with zeroes and advises against mixed radix and doesn't even mention Radar's algorithm or Bluestein's algorithm. The book's index doesn't even mention "cache". Their approaches to software engineering are decades out of date. And so on.
I'd like to see coverage of cache obliviousness (divide and conquer), parallelism for multicores (e.g. shared-memory parallel LUP, parallel SVD), modern algorithms (e.g. FFTW), modern software engineering (e.g. cleanly factored using objects and functions) and so on. Preferably general books on all numerical methods but, failing that, a collection of books that cover all of the major domains.
What books should I be reading?