



I use this query to

SELECT userId, submDate, COUNT(submId) AS nSubms
FROM submissions
GROUP BY userId, submDate
ORDER BY userId, submDate

obtain the total number of submissions per user per date.
However I need to have the progressive count for every user so I can see how their submissions accumulate over time.

Is this possible to implement in a query ?

EDIT: The obtained table looks like this :

  userId submDate nSubms
  1       2-Feb    1
  1       4-Feb    7
  2       1-Jan    4
  2       2-Jan    2
  2       18-Jan   1

I want to produce this :

  userId submDate nSubms  progressive
  1       2-Feb    1           1
  1       4-Feb    7           8
  2       1-Jan    4           4
  2       2-Jan    2           6
  2       18-Jan   1           7

EDIT 2 : Sorry for not mentioning it earlier, I am not allowed to use :

  • Stored procedure calls
  • Update/Delete/Insert/Create queries
  • Unions
  • DISTINCT keyword

    as I am using a tool that doesn't allow those.


The Best solution for this is to do it at the client.
It's the right tool for the job. Databases are not suited for this kind of task

Mladen Prajdic
Well, some databases support window/analytic functions to do this very simply. But not SQL Server.
true. but IMO this is still a client side responsibility. that's what it's there for.
Mladen Prajdic
+2  A: 

You can use a self-join to grab all the rows of the same table with a date before the current row:

SELECT s0.userId, s0.submDate, COUNT(s0.submId) AS nSubms, COUNT (s1.submId) AS progressive
FROM submissions AS s0
JOIN submissions AS s1 ON s1.userId=s0.userId AND s1.submDate<=s0.submDate
GROUP BY s0.userId, s0.submDate
ORDER BY s0.userId, s0.submDate

This is going to force the database to do a load of pointless work counting all the same rows again and again though. It would be better to just add up the nSubms as you go down in whatever script is calling the query, or in an SQL variable, if that's available in your environment.

I'm afraid the code does not work as expected... I guess the general concept is correct though.
also this will cause absolutely horrible performance problems. Don't do it like this.
Mladen Prajdic
Select S.userId, S.submDate, Count(*) As nSubms
    , (Select Count(*)
        From submissions As S1
        Where S1.userid = S.userId
            And S1.submDate <= S.submDate) As TotalSubms
From submissions As S
Group By S.userid, S.submDate
Order By S.userid, S.submDate
I'm afraid the code does not work as expected...
@Wartin - I've corrected my query and tested on my system. Should work fine now.
Thomas, there is no such field as "S.nSubms". "nSubms" is a calculated field in the query I used.
@Wartin - Simple fix. Just replace Sum with Count(*). I've adjusted my query to accomodate. On my tests, this produced the correct output. This does rely on the fact that submDate is a datetime column.