I have a MySQL table called sales, containing the fields product, quantity and paid.
I am using a CMS like system which has a custom way of doing forms, and custom formfields to use.
As far as I can tell, the id given to a formfield is what is used as the table name to insert into.
My current form I am using is as follows:
//if you need to ovveride the phpbmsTable class make sure to include the modules file
$backurl = NULL;
$backurl = $_GET["backurl"];
$backurl .= "?refid=".$_GET["refid"];
$thetable = new sales($db, "tbld:490cf2d1-1c72-7b99-461d-b1b8e68553c4");
$therecord = $thetable->processAddEditPage();
$statusmessage = $therecord["phpbmsStatus"];
$pageTitle = "Sales";
$phpbms->cssIncludes[] = "pages/menus.css";
$phpbms->jsIncludes[] = "modules/base/javascript/menu.js";
$theform = new phpbmsForm();
$theinput = new inputSmartSearch($db, "product", "Choose Product",$therecord["product"], "Choose Product", TRUE, NULL, NULL, TRUE, $required=true);
$theinput = new inputField("quantity",$therecord["quantity"],"Quantity",true, NULL, 1);
$theinput = new inputCheckbox("paid", $therecord["paid"], "Paid");
$theform->prepCustomFields($db, $thetable->customFieldsQueryResult, $therecord);
?><div class="bodyline">
<?php $theform->startForm($pageTitle)?>
<div id="leftSideDiv">
<legend><label for="S">Sales</label></legend>
<p class="big"><?php $theform->showField("product"); ?></p>
<p class="big"><?php $theform->showField("quantity"); ?></p>
<p class="big"><?php $theform->showField("paid"); ?></p>
<?php include("footer.php");?>
The contents of quantity and paid get stored in the table without a problem, however product does not, from what I can tell because at some point 'ds-' is prepended to the id. I suppose this is because I am using a different input field(which I need to use).
This is the result of POST after trying to save a form:
Array ( [product] => 75c72a6a-83d9-11df-951a-fa9c1ec271f2 [ds-product] => Corona [quantity] => 2 [paid] => 0 [createdby] => [creationdate] => [command] => save [modifiedby] => [cancelclick] => 0 [modifieddate] => [uuid] => :4402add3-b884-43e6-04ad-c76d92ee465b [id] => )
Instead, the UUID gets inserted into product, instead of the product name.
I wonder if there is any solution to this? I don´t think I have direct access to change the query code, and I can´t rename product to ds-product because I can´t change the query to access a hyphenated fieldname.
There is the possibility to override classes, as above I have inlcluded sales.php, which is based on the sample here.
Is the solution to somehow override the insertRecord function, and if so how? Or is there a simpler solution?