



Im trying to install MongoDB on Snow Leopard using MacPorts, as explained on the MongoDB site ( However, it's stuck 'building boost'. Nothing's happened for 20 minutes.

The progress from the terminal is attached. Any help on this would be appreciated. Im excited to check out MongoDB.

$ port install mongodb

Warning: MacPorts running without privileges. You may be unable to complete certain actions (e.g. install). ---> Computing dependencies for mongodb ---> Dependencies to be installed: boost libpcap pcre ncurses ncursesw readline scons python26 db46 gdbm gettext libiconv gperf openssl sqlite3 tk Xft2 fontconfig freetype pkgconfig xrender xorg-libX11 xorg-bigreqsproto xorg-inputproto xorg-kbproto xorg-libXau xorg-xproto xorg-libXdmcp xorg-util-macros xorg-xcmiscproto xorg-xextproto xorg-xf86bigfontproto xorg-xtrans xorg-renderproto tcl xorg-libXScrnSaver xorg-libXext xorg-scrnsaverproto spidermonkey nspr ---> Fetching boost ---> Attempting to fetch boost_1_42_0.tar.bz2 from ---> Attempting to fetch boost_1_42_0.tar.bz2 from ---> Attempting to fetch boost_1_42_0.tar.bz2 from ---> Verifying checksum(s) for boost ---> Extracting boost ---> Applying patches to boost ---> Configuring boost ---> Building boost


Boost is a pretty big library -- it could take a while to install.

You can run port with the verbose flag (or the debug flag) to see details about the progress:

$ port -v install mongodb