I need to extract financial price data from a binary file. This price data is normally extracted by a piece of C# code. The biggest problem I'm having is getting a meaningful datetime.
The binary data looks like this:
The C# code that extracts it correctly is:
StockID = reader.ReadInt32();
Open = reader.ReadDouble();
High = reader.ReadDouble();
Low = reader.ReadDouble();
Close = reader.ReadDouble();
Volume = reader.ReadInt64();
TotalTrades = reader.ReadInt32();
Timestamp = reader.ReadDateTime();
This is where I've gotten in python. I have a couple concerns about it.
In [1]: barlength = 56; barformat = 'i4dqiq'
In [2]: pricebar = f.read(barlength)
In [3]: pricebar
Out[3]: '\x95L\x00\x00)\\\x8f\xc2\xf5\xc8N@D\x1c\xeb\xe26\xcaN@\x7fj\xbct\x93\xb0N@\xd7\xa3p=\n\xb7N@\xf6\xdb\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00J\x03\x00\x00\x00"\xd8\x18\xe0\xdc\xcc\x08'
In [4]: struct.unpack(barformat, pricebar)
(19605, # stock id
61.57, # open
61.579800000000006, # high
61.3795, # low
61.43, # close
187382, # volume -- seems reasonable
842, # TotalTrades -- seems reasonable
634124502600000000L # datetime -- no idea what this means!
I used python's built in struct module but have some concerns about it.
I'm not sure what format characters correspond to Int32 vs Int64 in the C# code, though several different tries returned the same python tuple.
I'm concerned though since the output for some of the fields doesn't seem to be very sensitive to the format I specify: For example, the TotalTrades field returns the same amount if i specify it as either signed or unsigned int OR signed or unsigned long (l, L, i, or I)
I can't make any sense of the date return field. This is actually my biggest problem.