I'm trying to get .NET Remoting to work on Windows Azure, with a web role. I get a 500 internal server error when trying to access the URL. I've tried using Azure MMC (http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsazuremmc), but I'm only able to get Infrastructure Logs. No Event Logs, Azure Logs or similar. What am I doing wrong? I've tried setting the log level filter to critical, error, warning and even undefined, without any luck.
Did you change the connection string in your deployment file ?
In the ServiceConfiguration.cscfg file
<Setting name="DiagnosticsConnectionString" value="UseDevelopmentStorage=true" />
<Setting name="DiagnosticsConnectionString" value="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=YOURSTOARGEACCOUNT;AccountKey=YOURACCOUNTKEY" />
First you need to create a storage account.
2010-07-10 20:05:20
Yes. I guess that's why infrastructure logs works
Vidar Nordnes
2010-07-16 20:49:32
You have to configure, that you want to collect the Event Log information, see http://blog.toddysm.com/2010/05/collecting-event-logs-in-windows-azure.html
It is not automatic since you will get charged for the storage that the event log uses.
On getting remoting to work on Azure have a look at:
Your problem could be a port issue.
Shiraz Bhaiji
2010-08-29 21:00:55