




Basically I am using the MySQL gem for Ruby, and I have no reasonable support for date comparison. The Mysql::Time class only gives me only accessor methods like year, month, second, etc. I could do much better date comparison, if I could turn this into a Ruby DateTime object. How can convert MySQL's DateTime field to a Julian day number which can be passed to DateTime.jd?

+1  A: 

Consider using Ruby/DBI instead of using the MySQL gem directly. Ruby/DBI should take care of the conversion into standard Ruby classes for you automatically, and as an added bonus feature if you ever change the DBMS you're running, your use of the DBI doesn't change.

Ken Bloom
I take it this still uses the mysql gem?
@Zombies, Yes. Under the hood, it uses the MySQL gem to actually talk to MySQL.
Ken Bloom
Which one to choose as accepted answer??
@Zombies: whichever one you actually used.
Ken Bloom
+1  A: 

You could use MySQL's TO_DAYS function to get the date as an integer number of days since the year zero (and just add the appropriate offset to have a Julian Day number), or you could use the UNIX_TIMESTAMP function to get an integer number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.

Ken Bloom
The "appropriate offset" is 1721059.5
@dan04, I think Ruby wants it as an *integer*, without the 0.5, but I'm not sure about that. Some experimentation may be in order.
Ken Bloom
+1  A: 
class Mysql::Time
  def to_datetime
Ken Bloom