




Can anybody recommend one ?

(fortran or C examples are welcomed, but the more important part is that it gives out clear view of the topic).

+1  A: 

alt text

Numerical Analysis by Burden and Faires

Probably the only book you'll need for this stuff.

All of the book examples (in C, FORTRAN, Pascal, Maple and Mathematica) are available on the book's website.

Yuval A
+1 for cover art. :)
According to the examples given above and the table of contents I saw nothing on multivariate interpolation and/or fitting.
Do you actually own the book/or did you see it mentioned somewhere in it (what chapter) ?
I don't have it in front of me right now, but I am positive this book deals with practically all methods of interpolations and fittings, including multivariate.
Yuval A
Would it be possible for you, if you have it somewhere (these days), to check it out and see what it covers ? It's not that I'm implying anything, but the TOC gives me a different impression, and I don't like buying books and waiting 3 weeks to find out I was wrong. I'm specifically intersted in fitting 2d/3d (depends how you look at it) surfaces.
Yuval A
Haven't found anything in there. Sorry, this just doesn't do it for me (EOD). It's a nice book overall, but not even close to what I'm looking for. Suggest you delete your answer.
Well, it was worth a shot, and I can tell you that I learned a lot from this book on interpolations and fittings. I will absolutely not delete my answer, some people might find it helpful in the future, even if you do not.
Yuval A
I do not doubt that. And I'm not in any way saying it's a bad book or whatever, or that your answer is bad or anything. It just doesn't answer this particular question (need) / and the (book) doesn't cover this particular topic. From what I saw in the TOC not even in traces.