




Hi There,

I have two tables, timetable and lesson_booking these are linked via timetable_id.

timetable represents timetable entries for a given day (mon, tue etc) that can be selected and used to make a booking for a client in lesson_booking

What I would like to do is get a list of timetable entries that have no bookings associated with it.( i.e. find empty timtables slots)

I can do this but my problem is with doing it for a certain date. I am having some trouble with this as the date is in the lesson_booking table and the entries I am requesting have no link to lesson_booking

Here is what I have so far: The following will return all empty timetable entries. I want to do it for a specified date only.

I have a feeling that I need to modify the left join but i'm unsure how.

        employee.employee_firstname, employee_lastname,
        TIME_FORMAT(start_time, '%l:%i %p') AS start_time,
        TIME_FORMAT(end_time, '%l:%i %p') AS end_time,

FROM timetable
        LEFT JOIN lesson_booking ON lesson_booking.timetable_id = timetable.timetable_id
        JOIN employee ON timetable.employee_id = employee.employee_id
        JOIN lesson_type ON timetable.lesson_type_id = lesson_type.lesson_type_id
        JOIN day_name ON day_name.day_name_id = timetable.day_name_id
WHERE   ISNULL(lesson_booking_id)
    day_name = DATE_FORMAT('2010-7-5', '%W')

NOTE: there are other tables linked for employee, lesson type etc. Also, day_name is a table for days i.e monday,tuesday, wednesday etc. The where clause narows to display only timteable entries of a specified day.

Any help is greatly appreciated..



Note: Here are twi queries. The first contains all the information I want but some extra too.. The second contains the information that I want exluded from the first. How do I combine the two to get just the data I want? Thanks.

    JOIN day_name ON day_name.day_name_id = timetable.day_name_id
    day_name = DATE_FORMAT('2010-7-5', '%W');

-- exclude the following result from the above result.
    JOIN timetable ON timetable.timetable_id = lesson_booking.timetable_id
    booking_date = '2010-07-05';

definitions for lesson_booking and timetable

SQLyog Community- MySQL GUI v8.22 
MySQL - 5.1.30-community-log 
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;

create table `COLUMNS` (
    `Field` varchar (192),
    `Type` blob ,
    `Null` varchar (9),
    `Key` varchar (9),
    `Default` blob ,
    `Extra` varchar (81)
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('lesson_booking_id','int(11)','NO','PRI',NULL,'auto_increment');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('client_id','int(11)','NO','MUL',NULL,'');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('timetable_id','int(11)','NO','MUL',NULL,'');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('horse_owned_id','int(11)','NO','MUL',NULL,'');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('transaction_id','int(11)','YES','MUL',NULL,'');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('booking_date','date','NO','',NULL,'');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('cancelled_status','int(11)','YES','MUL',NULL,'');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('no_show','tinyint(1)','NO','','0','');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('same_time_next_week_booking_id','int(11)','YES','MUL',NULL,'');

SQLyog Community- MySQL GUI v8.22 
MySQL - 5.1.30-community-log 
/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;

create table `COLUMNS` (
    `Field` varchar (192),
    `Type` blob ,
    `Null` varchar (9),
    `Key` varchar (9),
    `Default` blob ,
    `Extra` varchar (81)
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('timetable_id','int(11)','NO','PRI',NULL,'auto_increment');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('day_name_id','int(11)','NO','MUL',NULL,'');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('start_time','time','NO','',NULL,'');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('end_time','time','NO','',NULL,'');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('lesson_type_id','int(11)','NO','MUL',NULL,'');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('employee_id','int(11)','NO','MUL','0','');
insert into `COLUMNS` (`Field`, `Type`, `Null`, `Key`, `Default`, `Extra`) values('timetable_active_status','tinyint(1)','NO','','1','');

I think I was right about your problem. You want to find the dates where no lessons are booked, yes? But the only dates that appear in the database are those when there are bookings; that's because the date goes with the booking not the lesson. I think you need another table, perhaps something like 'available_lessons' that expands the timetabled lessons into actual lessons; one row in the timetable says, 9am Thursday Morning, and this would be expanded in the available_lessons to one row for 9am 8th July, another row for 9am 15th July, and so on, filled in as far ahead as necessary. Bookings could then be attached to these rows and the dates where no bookings were present found easily enough.

Not a quick or easy solution, sadly.

Brian Hooper
Arrgh, I just posted a comment and it didn't save.Anyway. The booking side of things works fine.I think what I need can be done without modifying the db and just querying.. I'm just getting more confused as I go.Thanks for your help.
Conor H
+3  A: 


   SELECT tt.*
     JOIN day_name dn ON dn.day_name_id = ttt.day_name_id
                     AND dn.day_name = DATE_FORMAT('2010-7-5', '%W');
LEFT JOIN LESSON_BOOKING lb ON lb.timetable_id = tt.timetable_id
                           AND lb.booking_date = '2010-07-05'
    WHERE lb.lesson_booking_id IS NULL
OMG Ponies
You can read more about selecting values present in one table but missing in another one in this MySQL specific article: http://explainextended.com/2009/09/18/not-in-vs-not-exists-vs-left-join-is-null-mysql/
OMG Ponies
This works perfectly..Thanks very much. The link you provided is really good. It will be one of the few tutorials I print out for studying/future reference.Thanks a lot!!
Conor H
@OMG Ponies: +1 for spotting the `day_name` table. I'd completely missed that, hence thinking that a solution was not possible. :-)
+1. It beat me.
Brian Hooper