




any books on project management/ design you guys can recommend?

I am looking for a practical hands on approach, nothing heavy on theory.


For 1-man development projects, what book would you recommend so I can plan the project, what needs to be done exactly, tasks, estimations, etc.

+1  A: 

Making Things Happen: methodology-agnostic (to a larger extent); full of wisdom.

David Kemp
+1  A: 

Project management and design are very different specialisms. What type of design do you mean?

Peopleware and The Mythical Man-Month are two of the standard recommendations for (software) Project Management.

i want to build a CMS, so I want a roadmap for planning the tasks/stories and getting some kind of estimation on when it will get done.

I agree with Galwegian - there is very little overlap between pure Project Management and Design.
For a cross-over book I would recommend "Writing Effective Use Cases" by Alistair Cockburn. It's high-level enough to allow involvement as a Project Manager and will give you some insight into how to specify user needs effectively towards developers.

It's not really design, it's not really Project Management, but it's pretty much what happens in between.

+2  A: 

For personal process: Getting Things Done, by David Allen

Lou Franco
+4  A: 

My favorite book related to project management is The Art of Project Management, by Scott Berkun. It is written from the perspective of a former Microsoft employee and he talks in great depth about specific "war stories" to tie points together.

Note that "Making Things Happen" (as mentioned in David Kemp's reaction) is actually the second edition of "The Art of Project Management". Slightly confusing, given the title change...
Ah, I did not realize that. I will have to check into if there is any significant content changes, as I thoroughly enjoyed the first edition. Thanks for the heads up!
I didn't know that either, but I definatly recommend TAPM. It's my style of management. I bought "Applied Software Project Management" after this, and was disappointed.
+1  A: 

It's not so much a book specifically on project management, but it nicely tackles the things you mention in the update to your initial question: Code Complete.

+1  A: 

I recently picked up a copy of Pragmatic Studio's Manage It! on a whim. And despite it's rather annoying name has turned out to be fantastic.

The author has managed real software projects, and this book was written about programming projects. Which as we all know are fundamentally different than other industries.


I enjoyed very-much Head First Software Development, very hands-on, lots of funny exercises. The kind of book that you can start applying straight away, very pragmatic.
