


dt1 dt2 dt3 dt
1   3   6   10
2   4   1   5 
3   6   5   3
4   7   4   1
5   1   2   4
6   2   8
7   8

I have the above data which I want to combine in one single matrix (10 x 4). The maximum number of row is 10. I created zeros matrix, however I have problem since the data doesn't have the same dimension. How it is possible to get the output as below? sort the data and replacing the missing value with 0?

1   1   1   1  
2   2   2   0  
3   3   0   3   
4   4   4   4   
5   0   5   5  
6   6   6   0   
7   7   0   0
8   8   8   0
9   0   0   0
10  0   0   10
+2  A: 

Here is the modified version of @gnovice's answer to a previous, similar question

%# group the variables. If you would be generating them in a loop, you could use the loop
%# to group them, i.e. have something like
%# for i=1:n
%#    dtCell{i} = "function that generates dt_i"
%# end

dtCell = {dt1,dt2,dt3,dt};
nCells = length(dtCell);
maxVal = max(cellfun(@max,dtCell)); %# this way, I don't have to know vector orientation

%# you could replace the loop with calls to cellfun. 
%# While this may make you feel more Matlab-ish, it wouldn't be
%# faster, or more readable
out = zeros(maxVal,nCells);
for iCell = 1:nCells
   idx = dtCell{iCell}; %# this assignment is just for clarity 
   out(idx,iCell) = idx;
Nice, but you need to change the computation of the maximum value to something like `maxVal = max(vertcat(dtCell{:}));` to get the maximum value across *all* cells.
@gnovice: Thanks for the heads-up! Fixed now.

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