Hi all. I've written a script that backs up my financial spreadsheet document to another hard drive and another computer. I have also set up my server with email to send cronjob messages to my email instead of system mail. In my script I can't figure out how to use if then to check date of backed up file and current date. Here is the script
mount -t cifs //IP/Share /Drive/Directory -o username=username,password=password
cp /home/user/Desktop/finances10.ods /media/MediaConn/financesbackup/Daily\ Bac$
cp /home/user/Desktop/finances10.ods /Drive/Directory/FinancesBackup/Daily\ Backup/
umount /Drive/Directory
export i=`stat -c %y /media/MediaConn/financesbackup/Daily\ Backup/finances10.o$
export j=`date +%d`
if ["$i"="$j"]; then
echo Your backup has completed successfully. Please check the Daily Backup fo$
echo This message is automated by the system and mail is not checked.
echo Your backup has failed. Please manually backup the financial file to the$
echo drive. This message is automated by the system and mail is not checked.
Pretty simple script. The output is sent by email because it's a cronjob. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance