Dear Santa,
I hope you're reading this!
I have to insert some data into a MySQL table. The data will be retrieved and then (at present) unserialize
d at which point the correct display language will be selected...
I've managed to munge the data (text encoded with markdown) into a set of PHP statements, roughly along the following lines:
$component_data = array();
$component_data[65] =
array( // reformatted to avoid side-scrolling
"en"=>"* Student welfare is our top priority.\n* We
have 30 years of experience of running successful
courses for Young Learners.",
"es"=>"* El bienestar de nuestros estudiantes es nuestra
principal prioridad.\n* Contamos con experiencia de
30 años de exitosa realización de cursos para jóvenes.",
"de"=>"* Das Wohl des Lernenden ist unsere oberste Priorität.\n
*Wir organisieren seit 30 Jahren erfolgreich
Sprachkurse für Jugendliche",
"it"=>"* Il benessere degli studenti è la nostra priorità
assoluta.\n* Abbiamo 30 anni di esperienza nei corsi
per ragazzi.",
"fr"=>"* Le bien-être de l’élève a pour nous la priorité absolue.
\n* Nous avons 30 ans d'expérience dans la gestion de cours
réussis pour jeunes étudiants");
and I was hoping to use the following to get it into a format ready for import into the MySQL table:
foreach ($component_data as $id => $value) {
echo "UPDATE `components` SET `component_content`='".
"' WHERE `id` = '$id';\n";
Unfortunately it does go in, but the result on the page is mangled, i.e. it just shows the serialised string, rather than the array (which is the default behaviour if it can't managed to unserialise the string fetched from MySQL).
I've tried a number of permutations of the PHP string cleaning functions, and my head is frankly spinning.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to reformat the PHP styled data for insertion into the MySQL db, so that when fetched it's still in an unserializ
able state...
... and for bonus points, if you can convert the utf8 foreign language chars to HTML entitities and from markdown into HTML :-)))
I'm sure someone with a clear head (go easy on the mince-pies) will be able spot it straight away.
Here's hoping :-)