



How do I determine if two jQuery objects are equal? I would like to be able to search an array for a particular jQuery object.

$.inArray(jqobj, my_array);//-1    
alert($("#deviceTypeRoot") == $("#deviceTypeRoot"));//False
alert($("#deviceTypeRoot") === $("#deviceTypeRoot"));//False
+4  A: 

If you still don't know, you can get back the original object by:

alert($("#deviceTypeRoot")[0] == $("#deviceTypeRoot")[0]); //True
alert($("#deviceTypeRoot")[0] === $("#deviceTypeRoot")[0]);//True

because $("#deviceTypeRoot") also returns an array of objects which the selector has selected.

The two alerts will display `true`, because you are comparing the reference of the DOM element, `==` vs `===` will give you the same results (no type coercion needed, they are just two object references)
Your second statement is actually returning True
ah yes it's true. copy and paste mistake =D
+5  A: 

It is, generally speaking, a bad idea to compare $(foo) with $(foo) as that is functionally equivalent to the following comparison:

<script language='javascript'>
    function foo(bar) {
        return ({ "object": bar });

    $ = foo;

    if ( $("a") == $("a") ) {
        alert ("JS engine screw-up");
    else {
        alert ("Expected result");



Of course you would never expect "JS engine screw-up". I use "$" just to make it clear what jQuery is doing.

Whenever you call $("#foo") you are actually doing a jQuery("#foo") which returns a new object. So comparing them and expecting same object is not correct.

However what you CAN do may be is something like:

<script language='javascript'>
    function foo(bar) {
        return ({ "object": bar });

    $ = foo;

    if ( $("a").object == $("a").object ) {
        alert ("Yep! Now it works");
    else {
        alert ("This should not happen");



So really you should perhaps compare the ID elements of the jQuery objects in your real program so something like

$(someIdSelector).attr("id") == $(someOtherIdSelector).attr("id")

is more appropriate.

Elf King
Just to be clear, jQuery doesn't have an object attribute. Elf King seems to be using this as pseudocode
+1  A: 

If you want to see if two variables are actually the same object, eg:

var a = $('#foo');
var b = a;

...then you can check their unique IDs. Every time you create a new jQuery object it gets an id.

if ($.data(a) == $.data(b)) {
    // the same object!

Though, the same could be achieved with a simple a === b, the above might at least show the next developer exactly what you're testing for.

In any case, that's probably not what you're after. If you wanted to check if two different jQuery objects contain the same set of elements, the you could use this:

$.fn.equals = function(compareTo) {
  if (!compareTo || this.length != compareTo.length) {
    return false;
  for (var i = 0; i < this.length; ++i) {
    if (this[i] !== compareTo[i]) {
      return false;
  return true;


var a = $('p');
var b = $('p');
if (a.equals(b)) {
    // same set
@Casebash - true, however consider that several selectors could end up with the same result set, eg: `$(':first')` and `$('*:first')`