Hello I have a table which has a few rows. And I have an add button in my application which allows to add rows at any rowIndex. I use insertRow method to insert rows at a specific position. So once a row in inserted, I change the table row Ids of all the rows, to arrange them in an ascending order. Now I have been developing this application in FF and it has been coming pretty well. Now I am making a few changes to the code to make it work in IE. But this just does not work in IE. I have been testing this code for the last two days, it works in FF and chrome, but not in IE. I am not sure, what is the mistake I am making. I am just recreating the situation with an example, and this is the code for that example. Please help me out and tell me what could be the mistake I am making for it not to be working in IE. Any suggestions would be a great help.
<script type = 'text/javascript'>
function getIds()
var elem = document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for(var i in elem)
if(elem[i] && elem[i].id!=null && elem[i].id!='')
function changeIds()
var elem = document.getElementsByTagName("tr");
for(var i in elem)
if(elem[i] && elem[i].id!=null && elem[i].id!='')
{ index = Number(elem[i].rowIndex)+1; elem[i].id = "tabsf_"+index;}
<table id="tabsf">
<tr id="tabsf_1"><td>1</td><td>2</td></tr>
<tr id="tabsf_2"><td>3</td><td>4</td></tr>
<tr id="tabsf_5"><td>5</td><td>6</td></tr>
<tr id="tabsf_3"><td>7</td><td>8</td></tr>
<tr id="tabsf_4"><td>9</td><td>10</td></tr>
<table><tr><td><input type="button" name="hach" value="getIds" onclick="getIds()" /></td>
<td><input type="button" name="hach" value="Change Ids" onclick="changeIds()" /></td></tr></table>