I have two instances of selectOneMenu
, one dependent on the other. But my processValueChange
in the bean is never invoked. JSP portion:
<h:selectOneMenu id="slaPeriod" onchange="submit()" required="true">
<f:selectItems value="#{LoginForm.periodList}"/>
<f:valueChangeListener type="form.LoginForm" />
I want to have the selected option and have an associated option in the next selectOneMenu
. If say option is:
OPTIONS VALUES 1. Weekly 1....52 2. Monthly Jan...Dec 3. Quaterly 1...4 4. Yearly this drop down has to be disabled
Associated bean :
public void processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent arg0) throws AbortProcessingException
System.out.println("Inside Process Value Change!!");
This method is never invoked. Once this is done my problem will be resolved.
If you have any idea please help me, I'm really confused. Every time there is a refresh action on selection but this method of the bean is never invoked.