I have made a site in SharePoint Foundation 2010. I used team site as a starting template. I have saved it as my own custom template.
Next, I have added that solution to SharePoint Server 2010. When I tried to create a new site in SharePoint Server 2010 based on it, I got an error that a feature is missing. Missing feature guid is e8389ec7-70fd-4179-a1c4-6fcb4342d7a0. Looking at the solution's ONet file, it appears to be a 'ReportServer Feature'.
Now, my question is: Is it really possible that SharePoint Foundation 2010 may contain features that do not exist in SharePoint Server 2010? Isn't SharePoint Server supposed to be wider set of SharePoint Foundation?
Please help. Thanks.
Same topic here: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepoint2010general/thread/db59de6e-e13a-47e8-9fc7-5f1fe461be86