Do you know any Web FlowChart frameworks for Java ?
What exactly do I mean by "Web FlowChart framework":
- Capable of generating BPMN diagrams; (If not BPMN, at least basic flowcharts / graphs that are easily customizable);
- The generated diagrams are easily embeddable in a Java EE (Oracle Adf 11g) application;
- The generated diagrams can be applets / java script / flash, and are user responsive (user can click on the diagrams, etc.) - no statical images .
- The diagram content can be modified / generated at runtime (The application model is data-driven);
- License is not an issue, but still we prefer products with a permissive license model (BSD, MIT, APACHE);
You can give any hints, as we are in the evaluation period, and we want to try as many products as possible.
Do you know any similar solution from Oracle / Sun ?
The framework shouldn't include any business logic. We only needed it to represent data in a fashionable manner.