Hello guys.
I've used Fluent NH in some projects but I'm having some problems with using the PersistenceSpecification class for testing a collection mapping. Here's the code for my classes (I'm just putting here the collection definition):
public class Ocorrencia : EntityWithAction, IHasAssignedId<Int32> {
private IList<Intervencao> _intervencoes = new List<Intervencao>();
public IEnumerable<Intervencao> Intervencoes {
return new ReadOnlyCollection<Intervencao>( _intervencoes );
set {
_intervencoes = new List<Intervencao>( value );
Contract.Assume(_intervencoes != null);
public void ModificaEstado(Intervencao intervencao ){
//some checks removed
intervencao.Ocorrencia = this;
//more code removed
public class Intervencao : EntityWithAction, IHasAssignedDomainAction {
//other code remove
internal Ocorrencia Ocorrencia { get; set; }
And here's the mappings (only the important things):
public class IntervencaoMapping: ClassMap<Intervencao> {
public IntervencaoMapping()
Id(intervencao => intervencao.Id)
Map(intervencao => intervencao.Guid, "Guid")
Version(ent => ent.Version)
References(ent => ent.Action, "IdAccao")
Map(intervencao => intervencao.TipoEstado, "TipoEstado")
.CustomTypeIs(typeof (TipoEstado))
Map(intervencao => intervencao.Observacoes, "Observacoes");
References(intervencao => intervencao.Ocorrencia, "IdOcorrencias")
public class OcorrenciaMapping: ClassMap<Sra.Ocorrencias.Ocorrencia> {
public OcorrenciaMapping()
Id(ocorrencia => ocorrencia.Id)
Map(ocorrencia => ocorrencia.Guid, "Guid")
Version(ocorrencia => ocorrencia.Version)
Map(ocorrencia => ocorrencia.Descricao)
Map(ocorrencia => ocorrencia.Nif, "Nif")
Map(ocorrencia => ocorrencia.TipoOcorrencia, "TipoOcorrencia")
Map(ocorrencia => ocorrencia.BalcaoEntrada, "Balcao")
References(ocorrencia => ocorrencia.Organismo, "IdOrganismos")
HasMany(ocorrencia => ocorrencia.Intervencoes)
As you can see, Interncao objects are added through the ModificaEstado method which ensures that Ocorrencia reference on Intervencao "points" to a reference of Ocorrencia. Now, how do I test this relationship with the PersistenceSpecification object? I've ended up with the following code:
public void Test() {
using (var session = _factory.GetSession()) {
using (var tran = session.BeginTransaction()) {
var accao = CreateAction();
var organismo = CreateOrganismo();
var intervencao = CreateIntervencao();
var intervencoes = new List<Intervencao> {intervencao};
new PersistenceSpecification<Ocorrencia>(session)
.CheckProperty(e => e.Nif, _nif)
.CheckProperty( e =>e.Organismo, organismo)
.CheckProperty( e => e.Descricao, _descricao)
.CheckProperty( e => e.TipoOcorrencia, TipoOcorrencia.Processo)
.CheckList( e => e.Intervencoes, intervencoes)
Since IdOcorrencia is defined as an external key in table Intervencoes, the previous code fails because it tries to insert the intervencoes list with IdOcorrencia set to null. If I remove the external key, then the test works fine, but I believe that I shouldn't be doing that.
I'm probably doing something wrong but I'm not sure on what that is. So, can anyone be kind enough and give me a hint on how to solve this?
thanks guys. Luis