I'm having some issues with .click() event under Internet Explorer and Chrome.
So, I've got this menu of filters:
<div id="filter-checkboxes" style="text-align: left; margin-bottom: 20px;">
<input type="checkbox" id="crop-checkbox" onclick="init_filter('crop');" />
<span id="crop-span">Crop</span>
<br />
<input type="checkbox" id="resize-checkbox" onclick="init_filter('resize');" />
<span id="resize-span">Resize</span>
<br />
The init_filter(filter) calls at the end another function that sends a ajax req
function apply(action)
var apply_btn = $("#apply-filter-btn");
var values = null;
switch (action)
case "crop":
values = "x=" + $("#x").val() + "&y=" + $("#y").val() +
"&w=" + $("#w").val() + "&h=" + $("#h").val();
if ($("#w").val() !== "0" && $("#h").val() !== "0")
apply_send_req(action, apply_btn, values);
The issue is that there is a delay before the actual request is sent. This works great only in Firefox... So what I'm asking is what can I do to prevent this ?