Hi all,
Link to page: http://www.northtreestudios.com/sandbox/
Wondering how I can get the background images of my site to not trigger the scroll bar due to their width/placement. I am using a 960 grid with 16 columns, but the background has several images at arbitrary positions to create some detail effects. These do not conform to the grid; they lie to the left and right of the container.
If you check out the link, you'll see that the yellow stripes across the top do not trigger scrolling, but the white one on the bottom does, if the window is re-sized to less than its width.
I am essentially looking to have the horizontal scroll bar appear only when the window is smaller in width than the 960 grid. All the other graphical extras farther left or right should not trigger scrolling. Any way to accomplish this short of a giant, inefficient background image?