Hi, does anybody know if it's possible (and how) to use LINQ on a DataTable inside a CLR Stored Procedure?
I have no problems using LINQ on a DataTable in a standard WinForms proj however; I'm using a Database Project in VS2010 on SQL2005 and creating a Stored Procedure:
(simplified listing)
public static void ProcessReOrder()
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true")) {
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter("database.dbo.OtherSp", conn);
DataTable table = new DataTable("ReOrder");
var query = from t in table.AsEnumerable()
where t.Field<int>("Id") > 1000 select t.Field<int>("Id");
The problem is, AsEnumerable() is an extension method and although I've got the using reference to LINQ; it still isn't found.
Searching Google, has lead me to believe this is to do with using an LINQ Entity reference (DLL) buried in the framework however, as this is a DB Project, we don't get to add references to any DLL on the system; the add reference box is restricted to a select few assemblies and there isn't a browse... button.
Regardless of performance issues etc, I don't want to hand roll a lot of ADO/T-SQL inside my .NET Stored proc; i prefer LINQ and the ability to move the code to different layers/DB Platforms. Is LINQ on a DataTable inside a Stored Proc supported (i guessing not) or am I completely off base here and must code with T-SQL?