




I am totally new to the world of macros but have done some VBscript on QTP before. I am looking to create a macro which would hide certain columns depending on the users selection from a drop down. I am unsure of the syntax and how to identify the columns I wish to hide and how to identify the cell with the dropdown.

Here's roughly how I would see it looking -

Sub HideColumns()

    If cell(ViewType).Value = "Option 1" Then
       Cells(Column_1, Column_2).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
    ElseIf cell(ViewType).Value = "Option 2" Then
       Cells(Column_2, Column_3).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
    ElseIf cell(ViewType).Value = "Option 3" Then
       Cells(Column_3, Column_4).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
    End If

End Sub

I have named the cell with the dropdown "ViewType" in excel - would th vb recognise the object that way, or would I need to declare it?

How do Identify the columns I wish to hide?

Thanks for your help!



Hi ThomB,

The names you define in Excel are available in Excel as normal variables, so this should not be of any issue.

In your case, I would however suggest using a Switch Case statement. This would look as follows:

Select Case ActiveWorkbook.Names("ViewType").RefersToRange
         Case "Option 1" 
              ' Hide Column X
         Case "Option 2" 
              ' Hide Column Y
End Select

Also keep in mind that for the macro to be called once you change a cell, you would need to put this code into

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub

This Sub has to be placed in the code part of the Sheet itself and will be executed every time a cell is changed in the Sheet.

Let me know if this is enough for you to go on or if you require more help.


Thanks Trefex - I will give that a go. I'm assuming thatCells(A1, B1).EntireColumn.Hidden = True would hide columns A and B as they contain cells A1 an B1. Ideally I would get this to work based on a named cell to identify the comn to be hidden. Gonna give this a try right away.Thanks again!
Seeing how Cells(R,C) relates more to a single cell, you'd rather use Range("A1:B1").EntireColumn.Hidden = True to hide Column A and B.Let me know,