Hello everyone! I'd like to make a search function that takes indata from 5 textboxes, Name, gender,ID, animal category and animal. The diffrances between animal category and animal is for eg. animal category = mammal and animal = bear. So these are optional to the user, when he/she hits the button it should search for the given parameters. The data is saved in an genereic list with the Animal type. eg. ListanimalCollection
I tried to use linq, my query ->
ienumerable<Animal> result=
from a in animalCollection where a.Name== myParameterName
a.Gender == myParameterGender
select a;
the problem comes to when user wants to have one or more than two parameters cus i don't know how to make the query depending on user input. Do i have to make a bunch of if-statements to check user input? I hope there is another way!
Im asking you smart experts for help with this! Hope i made myself clear enough.
Daniel, sweden