I am trying to change the connectionString in my web.config using MSBUILD on a Teamcity server. Previously I have use the attribute in a target that called this:
public static void ScriptMain()
XmlDocument wcXml = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root = wcXml.DocumentElement;
XmlNodeList connList = root.SelectNodes("//connectionStrings/add");
XmlElement elem;
foreach (XmlNode node in connList)
elem = (XmlElement)node;
switch (elem.GetAttribute("name"))
case "TCMBaseConnectionString":
elem.SetAttribute("connectionString", "Data Source=server-name;Initial Catalog=TCMCentral;User ID=user;Password=something");
I would then call it in the target:
<Target Name="UpdateWebConfig">
<Script Language="C#" Code="$(UpdateWebConfigCode)" Imports="System.Xml" />
But this keeps throwing an error. I realise this is probably a bit out of date but can't find anything to replace it .... any suggestions?