



Hi I am writing unit tests for fluent Nhibernate, when I run the test in isloation it passes, but when I run multiple tests. or run the test more than once it starts failing with the message below System.ApplicationException : For property 'Id' expected '1' of type 'System.Int32' but got '2' of type 'System.Int32'

[TextFixture] public void Can_Correctly_Map_Entity() {

        new PersistenceSpecification<UserProfile>(Session)
            .CheckProperty(c => c.Id, 1)
            .CheckProperty(c => c.UserName, "user")
            .CheckProperty(c => c.Address1, "Address1")
            .CheckProperty(c => c.Address2, "Address2")


+1  A: 

The Id property is an database identity so it is incremented with each insert to the table. Some other test is also inserting a UserProfile so the identity value is incremented to 2 for this insert. I would just verify that the Id property does not equal 0, assuming that's its default value.

Jamie Ide

Hi Jamie I too am having the same problem, can you pls explain the statement

"I would just verify that the Id property does not equal 0, assuming that's its default value."


I'd suggest testing your mappings using an in-memory database so that you can isolate these tests the mappings only. If you use an in-memory database, you can place the FluentConfiguration in the [TestInitialize] (MSTest) or [SetUp] (NUnit) method, and the db will be created from scratch (in memory) each time. Here's an example:

public void PersistenceSpecificationTest()  
    var cfg = Fluently.Configure()  
        .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<UserProfile>())  

    _session = cfg.BuildSessionFactory().OpenSession();  
    new SchemaExport(cfg).Execute(false, true, false, _session.Connection, null);  

Then your test should work fine each time you run:

public void CanMapUserProfile() 
    new PersistenceSpecification<UserProfile>(_session)     
        .CheckProperty(c => c.Id, 1)     
        .CheckProperty(c => c.UserName, "user")     
        .CheckProperty(c => c.Address1, "Address1")     
        .CheckProperty(c => c.Address2, "Address2")  

You'll need to use SQLite in this scenario, along with the System.Data.SQLite DLL, which you can find here:

Hope that helps.

Brandon Satrom